2024 Scholarship Recipient

Meet the 2024 $25,000 Nick Loeb Foundation Scholarship Recipient

Massimo Parrello

Massimo Parrello

Massimo Parrello, the eldest son of Harrison Police Officer Joseph Parrello, has just completed his first year of college while living at home. Now, with the support of The Nick Loeb Foundation Scholarship, he’s preparing to pack up and move to Conway, South Carolina.

“I just did my deposit yesterday, starting to look at all housing, meal plans, and all that good, exciting stuff,” Massimo shared.

Massimo’s college journey is taking an exciting turn as he prepares to attend Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina, just 15 minutes from Myrtle Beach. Reflecting on the financial aspect of his education, Massimo credits the scholarship for allowing him to attend his “dream” school.

Left to right: Nick Loeb, Ilaria Damiano, Massimo Parrello.

“Without the scholarship, I wouldn’t even be considering the school that I’m going to. I would have ended up having to settle for a school that I really wouldn’t want to go to,” he shared.

The Nick Loeb Foundation Scholarship honors police officers by supporting the education of their children who possess outstanding character, leadership, and service. A scholarship committee of three community members – Marino Marin, Tara Xanthopoulos, and Kristine McMath – reviewed nearly 20 candidates.

“Massimo blew us all away in his interview,” Tara, an educator from Harrison said. Kristine, an educator from White Plains, added, “He surpassed every single category.”

Marino, who joined the committee his “commitment to supporting those who serve our communities,” said it was no surprise Massimo was selected as last year’s scholarship winner, calling him “a standout candidate.”

“His father’s dedication and service as a police officer clearly instilled in Massimo a strong sense of duty and perseverance,” Marino said.

Massimo attended Brewster High School, excelling in football, lacrosse, and wrestling. His leadership skills were evident early on, as he captained both his high school football and wrestling teams.

After high school, Massimo attended Springfield College in Massachusetts, where he played Division III football. To save money, he moved home for his second semester and transferred to Western Connecticut State University. Over the past six months, he balanced work and school, driving to classes, returning home to eat, and working four times a week at Aversano’s Pizzeria.

Massimo attributes his dedication to hard work to his upbringing and strong family values.

“We were always taught respect in our house,” he said, “and that honesty and hard work pay off. I carried that throughout my whole life to where I am now.”

At Coastal Carolina University, Massimo plans to major in physical education to become a gym teacher and coach football. His passion for teaching and coaching stems from his childhood experiences with his father.

“My dad was always my coach growing up. He really instilled in me the importance of becoming a leader,” Massimo said. “We grew up talking about family and hard work, and we were always taught respect in our house.”

Growing up surrounded by first responders, Massimo has a deep respect for their influence. He credits his father for instilling in him the importance of leadership through selflessness and courage, qualities required to serve others daily, often without recognition.

“The good that they do for everybody on a daily basis often goes unnoticed. It’s truly something.”

Massimo values the Nick Loeb Foundation for recognizing the hard work of police officers.

“I appreciate what they’re doing,” he said, “first responders give everything and sometimes don’t get anything back.”

Left to Right: Marino Marin, Kristine McMath, Tara Xanthopoulos. Massimo with the Scholarship Committee

“We are not only honoring the sacrifices made by their parents, but also empowering the next generation to achieve their full potential and contribute positively to society,” committee member Marino said.

“The committee could not stop discussing what an excellent representative he would be of the foundation values,” Tara shared. “He values tradition, our country, and he is a true leader. Some of his values, which he proved to be at the core of his character, he spoke to in his application.”

In Massimo’s scholarship essay, he highlighted the values that he believes made America great: nationalism, belief in God, strength, and respect. He expressed his commitment to teaching these values to the next generation as a future educator.

That response stood out to Kristine too, who’s worked as an educator in the White Plains Public School system for more than three decades now.

“It was just clear he deserved this,” Kristine said. “We’re excited to watch him take off.”

With a bright future ahead at Coastal Carolina University, Massimo is poised to make a significant impact both as an educator and a coach, embodying the values of hard work, respect, and dedication that have been instilled in him from a young age.